
Here Is What Is Required To Wear To Your Upcoming CNA Exam

You don't have to worry about anything when you get dressed for your first day of classes at CNA...

July 10, 2022
Here Is What Is Required To Wear To Your Upcoming CNA Exam

You don't have to worry about anything when you get dressed for your first day of classes at CNA. You are just starting, and the emphasis is on comfortable and practical clothing. But when the day comes to face the big, bad exam, it's not just about learning and practicing.  


Dressing for work starts with your scrubs. Scrubs allow for maximum mobility and ease of movement. But, more importantly, they show your supervisor that you take the test as seriously as you would take an actual patient. Additionally, plenty of research documenting the psychology of "dressing the room." Namely, wearing the right clothes for the task we are doing improves our motivation, focus, and confidence.  


If you haven't walked through the rhythms of a clinic, you may not yet have dedicated nursing shoes. Although special shoes are unnecessary, now is a good time to invest in some. Look for professional sneakers or clogs with good arch support and non-slip soles. Remember that it takes time to break into new shoes.  


In other professions, wearing a little jewelry during a job interview is a good idea. But unfortunately, in the DAC world, these accessories get in the way. So on the exam day, leave large earrings, necklaces, rings, and bracelets at home. The only exception to the rule is a wristwatch.


I hope the idea of ​​taking a shower before your nursing exam doesn't surprise you. However, some of the benefits behind it might. For example, taking a cold shower in the morning increases brain production of the hormone norepinephrine, which increases your focus and energy throughout the day. And when you get out of the shower, remember to tie your hair back if it's long.  

When you take your Florida Prometric CNA test, you'll have a lot on your mind, and clothing may be the least of your worries. But don't forget that you have taken the training, so you know your job.

Something great is about to begin. Let’s get in touch today!